Siéntete como en casa
viví una experiencia inolvidable en Buenos Aires
Terraza Serrano es una casa del año 1950 construida por un hombre italiano quien vivió con su familia durante 40 años a quienes tuvimos la oportunidad de conocer y nos contaron que tuvieron unos años felices aquí.
Tiene la distribución típica de las casa "chorizo" de la construcción de esa época. Un patio central y habitaciones que se comunican entre si y hacia el patio.
A lo largo de los años, manteniendo la esencia nosotros la refaccionamos a nuestro gusto y necesidades.
Hoy tenemos tres habitaciones en planta baja con un baño compartido. Cada una de las habitaciones tiene su particularidad. Todas tienen luz natural, piso de madera antigua y techos altos.
En el segundo piso, tenemos una gran terraza, con variedad de plantas y lugar para tomar mate (tipica costumbre argentina) tomar sol, conversar, contemplar la luna o sencillamente relajarse, desde allí tenemos dos habitaciones con un baño compartido, una habitación con baño privado y una gran cocina que es el lugar de encuentro típico para la aventura de estar en Buenos Aires.
También hay otra pequeña terraza, que es mas pequeña e invita a tiempos de mayor intimidad.
Descubre nuestra casa
Terraza Serrano is a house that was built in 1950 by an Italian man who lived here with his family for 40 years. We were lucky enough to meet them and they shared with us their many memories of their home and the happy years that they had here.
The house was constructed in the typical 'chorizo' style arquitecture which was a common form of construction here in Buenos Aires at that time, particularly around this area; consisting of a central patio and rooms that integrate with one another. Throughout the years, whilst preserving its original essence, we have refurbished it to our taste and needs.
Today we have three rooms on the ground floor with a shared bathroom. Each room consisting of natural light, old wooden floors and high ceilings whilst preserving its original unique character.
On the second floor, we have a large terrace with a variety of plants and a large space to relax, sunbathe, chat or drink mate (a typical Argentine tradition). On this floor we have a further three large rooms, two that share a bathroom and one en-suite. The second floor also features a large open kitchen which is a typical meeting place for people staying here, where they can share stories of their adventures whilst being in Buenos Aires. There is also another small terrace, which is smaller and invites to times of greater intimacy.